Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Excerpts From Brown & Caldwell Report on Waughop Lake February 2017

Waughop Lake is the centerpiece of the popular Fort Steilacoom Park in the city of Lakewood,Washington. The park is on state-owned land that is leased to the City of Lakewood (City). Waughop.

Lake has a long history of cyanobacteria (i.e., blue-green algae) blooms that severely limit use of the lake. The City has made the protection and restoration of Waughop Lake a high priority.

In 2014, the City received a grant from the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) to develop a lake management plan (LMP) for Waughop Lake. The overall goal of the LMP is to develop strategies to improve and protect the lake uses impaired by excess nutrients. The City retained Brown and Caldwell (BC) and the University of Washington Tacoma (UWT) to help develop the LMP.

BC and UWT prepared a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) to guide data collection in support of the Waughop LMP. The QAPP included monitoring the quality of the lake water, lake bottom sediment, stormwater, and groundwater to identify and quantify sources of phosphorus loading and support the evaluation of management measures.

The City provided opportunities for public stakeholder input during LMP development (Blogmaster: 8 bulleted items follow)

The monitoring program was conducted from October 2014 – October 2015. The monitoring found that phosphorus is the limiting nutrient for cyanobacteria blooms and the internal cycling of phosphorus from the lake bottom sediment to the water column is the largest source. Based on the monitoring results and stakeholder input, the City confirmed that the primary objective for the Waughop LMP should be to minimize the frequency of cyanobacteria blooms.

The project team evaluated a wide range of potential lake management measures and identified several that appear suitable for Waughop Lake. Table ES-1 below ummarizes the estimated costs and potential benefits of these measures. (Blogmaster: Table ES-1 follows)

As noted in Table ES-1, dredging of lake bottom sediment would provide the greatest long-term benefit but would also have a high initial cost and extensive permitting requirements. Sediment cores would need to be collected throughout the lake and analyzed to develop a more accurate estimate of the volume to be dredged, determine sediment dewatering and disposal requirements, and refine the construction cost estimate. Dredging could take 6 to 8 months and have temporary impacts on park visitors and wildlife. Securing the funds needed for dredging may be difficult, especially if costs are closer to the high end of the range shown in Table ES-1. It could take several years or more to complete additional sediment characterization, secure funding, obtain permits, perform dredging, and properly dispose of the sediments.

Sediment phosphorus inactivation using whole-lake alum treatment would quickly reduce phosphorus concentrations in the lake, reduce the release of phosphorus from the sediment, and reduce cyanobacteria blooms. Compared to dredging, alum treatment has a much lower initial cost, less intensive data collection and permitting requirements, and less disruption for park visitors and wildlife (see Table ES-1). However, the benefits of alum treatment decline over time, so treatments would need to be periodically repeated. In addition, alum treatment could increase macrophyte growth by allowing sunlight to reach deeper into the lake.

Aeration of the lake bottom would help decrease the anoxic conditions that enable phosphorus release from sediments, while vertical mixing would disrupt cyanobacteria growth and favor benign algal species.

A pump and treat system could be installed to remove phosphorus from lake water using a coagulation facility or a constructed wetland treatment system. The estimated cost for this measure assumes 3 to 10 acres of upland area would be made available for the treatment system at no cost.

Because of treatment capacity limitations, pump and treat systems are expected to be less effective than the other measures listed in Table ES-1, so they are not recommended at this time.

The City does not currently have any funds to implement this LMP. Implementation of this LMP will depend on the City’s ability to secure funding from other sources such as state budget allocations and grants (see Section 6).

Therefore, the City proposes a phased approach for implementing this LMP, as described below.

Phase 1 would consist of a whole-lake alum treatment to remove phosphorus from the water column and inactivate phosphorus in the sediment, thereby reducing the potential for cyanobacteria blooms.

The City (or partners) would monitor the lake to estimate the effectiveness and longevity of the alum treatment. During this phase, the City would collect the additional sediment data needed to refine the construction cost estimates and support permit applications for dredging. The City would also identify and pursue potential funding sources for long-term implementation.

Phase 2 would involve dredging to remove phosphorus-rich sediment from the lake bottom, provided that the City can secure the necessary funds and permits. The lake monitoring study found that bottom sediment is by far the largest source of phosphorus for cyanobacteria blooms. Dredging is expected to be the most effective long-term measure for reducing cyanobacteria blooms because it would remove sediments that have been contaminated by farming and other human activities over the past 100 years or so. Funding for dredging would be pursued along with collection of information regarding public support for improved lake use.

If the City cannot secure the funds needed for dredging and the Phase 1 monitoring indicates that alum treatment is likely to last at least several years, Phase 2 may consist of a follow-up whole-lake alum treatment. Conversely, if the City cannot secure sufficient funds for dredging and Phase 1 monitoring suggests that alum treatment benefits are short-lived, Phase 2 could include a pilot study to evaluate whether a bottom aeration and vertical mixing system would significantly reduce phosphorus release from bottom sediments and disrupt cyanobacteria in the water column. If the pilot results are promising and the necessary capital and operating funds can be obtained, Phase 2 could include installation of a full-scale bottom aeration and mixing system.

Source: Executive Summary Waughop Lake Management Plan – February, 2017

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